Actually the site is not an pure online game site , There are many interesting stuff such as JK Rowling taughts, New from JK Rowling, social media place , and of course challenges and games , and for this kind of stuff we need tips or tricks , but if you really Harry Potter fans you can solve the challenges/games because you know the answer from books you have ever read, unless for little challenges/games that need computer skill experience such as zooming or timing.
Sometimes to move to next chapter there is lock, and we have to unlock it. And the most interesting games until now is dueling , spells and brew the potions.
pottermore tricks / ttips you may need to know are :
- unlock McGonagall
- diagon alley unlock
- find the right winged key
- location of chocolate frog cards
- How to catch golden snicth
- sorting hat question tips
- tips for better pottermore dueling
- potion puzzle unlock
- more spells
- unlock McGonagall
and others
you can find the trick , tricks , unlock in this site , just use search box in the right side above .
for copy and paste this page on your site please put this pottermore tricks link
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