Before brewing the potions , you need the components for effective alchemy.
There are 4 alchemical components; the Cauldron, the Brewing Stand, the Glass Bottle, and the Water Bottle. The only necessary items for brewing are Water Bottles and Brewing Stand.
Easy empty Water Bottles. by right-clicking water just Fill the bottles up with water, or fill them with the contents of a Cauldron. If you wish to brew, you’ll need to fill the Glass Bottle with water to make a Water Bottle.
To create a glass bottle, you’ll need to use three glass blocks and craft them in a ‘V’ shape. Just one in the center of the bottom row, and two on the left and right columns of the center row.
Next, you’ll need a Brewing Stand. To build it, you’ll need three chunks of cobblestone on the bottom row, and one Blaze Rod in the center. Finding a Blaze Rod isn’t easy, you’ll need to travel to The Nether and kill a Blaze.
With the Brewing Stand, right-click to bring up the brewing menu. In the first slot you can place an ingredient to be distilled into up to three other potions or water bottles to provide a special effect. The top reagent can affect up to three bottles at once if placed.
Still in Minecraft potion guide
When the process of brewing has started, you’ll see the bubbles move to the left of the reagent slot, and a pointer filling up to the right of the slot. Make sure at least one of the bottle slots is full before brewing ends, or nothing will be produced.
Cauldrons are an optional tool to help brewing. To build a cauldron, craft seven Iron ingots into a ‘U’ shape. The Cauldron will fill up with water when a Water Bucket is used. Glass Bottles can then be filled by interacting with the Cauldron — a full Cauldron can fill up to three Glass Bottles before it needs to be refilled.
Now that you know the tools, you’ll need some ingredients and reagents. Not every reagent is used for brewing potions, some will add special effects. Keep scrolling to see the full list of reagents and what they do for your potions. (in Minecraft Potion guide)
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